Jun 19Liked by Quantitativo

Great article. Where do you get accurate point in time market cap data? Seems really difficult to obtain for retail traders.

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Sharadar Core US Equity Bundle


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Just had a similar issue where I realized I could not get good point in time market cap data (I use Norgate currently). Ended up just dropping it as a parameter. 🤷🏼‍♂️

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Jun 16Liked by Quantitativo

Entering at the next open significantly reduces the edge.

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You are right. I’m entering on openings because it’s easier to execute: all my systems are already set up to trade on openings instead of closings.

As a matter of fact, that’s a good idea for a future post: quantifying how much we lose by trading on openings vs closings. Thx for the comment!

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Sharadar Core US Equity Bundle


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This seems like a great strategy. I'm impressed you don't want to trade it as is. Obviously, you would rather trade it than just invest in the S&P? No matter how much effort you put in, the fact is that it is going to be very difficult to avoid drawdowns, and since the past is not a predictor of the future, it may not be worth trying to find a "better" model .... Perhaps a good approach is adding in selective stock shorts. For example, large cap stocks that have large gap downs tend to continue that downward momentum. Add those on margin for a few day swing may smoothen out the overall strategy performance and help offset the drawdowns. Also, for the long side, I really like your approach of selecting a few stocks with low RSI vs. buying the whole index for a mean reversion. Especially with the advent of AI, that edge will erode faster in the index as a whole than in individual stocks imo where the sell offs and mean reversion reversals are more news driven and can overshoot more in each direction than the overall index.

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