have you tried a long/short market neutral version of this? how about shorting just spx?

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Hi! I thought about shorting... but, although I'd love to short IPOs as well, I decided to not even backtest that. That's because shorting IPOs is difficult. Sometimes not even possible... when possible, the cost of shorting is usually high. To create a good backtest, I would need to know if the IPO was available to short, and at what cost... and I don't have this data. Assuming 100% availability and no cost would be a mistake imho...

I didn't think about shorting SPX...

But just talking here to you, I had an idea: for each IPO, short the worst performer within the sector of that IPO. The economic reason is that if there's a newcomer within that sector, the older players will suffer. Need to test this hypothesis, though... what do you think?


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Do you buy 1 tick higher than the all time high or a close above all time high? Same with stop loss / profit target -close above/below?

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Whenever it closes at an all-time high, I buy using a market order at the next day's opening. All orders are at the openings

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Thank you for the great research! I have some questions around the execution of the strategy I hope you can clarify:

- Do all trades occur exclusively during regular trading hours?

- Is the strategy only trading at open and close or would you have limit orders that can fill intraday?

- If a stock has gapped through the profit target/stop loss I assume you would be exiting at the open; however if it opens lower than lets say our profit target, do you keep the position open until it hits the 20% target intraday?

- I also struggle to understand the big DJT trade. Isn't the breakout only happening on Oct 21?

Thank you in advance!

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Hi Klim! Thanks!

- Yes, all trades occur in regular trading hours;

- The strategy only trades at market opening, assuming market open price + 1bps of slippage

- Yes, positions keep opened until the target is hit during the day

- Need to double check this one about DJT, I don't remember the details by heart...



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